Resolution Rules

ECC – Rules for the Consideration and Adoption of Resolutions by the Environment and Climate Caucus 12/17/2020 (Google Doc)

I. General – Resolutions submitted for consideration and adoption by the Environment and Climate Caucus (ECC) of the Washington State Democratic Party should adhere to all Washington State Democratic Central Committee (WSDCC) requirements including the WSDCC rules for resolutions.

II. Resolutions – The ECC may only consider resolutions generated or co-sponsored by the following:
a. Democratic Party Organizations in the State of Washington
b. Members of the ECC or the ECC Executive Board
c. Members of the Washington State Democratic Central Committee (WSDCC) including its standing or ad-hoc committees and/or caucuses.

III. Submission Procedures and ECC Review Process:
a. Resolutions should be drafted in the prescribed ECC Resolutions Format and accompanied with a completed Resolutions Submission and Procedures Form for submission to the ECC Resolutions Committee Chair and ECC Chair.
b. Resolutions should be submitted no later than 14 days prior to the ECC membership meeting at which they will be heard.
c. The resolution will be reviewed by the Resolutions Chair and or Resolutions Committee for compliance with requirements for consideration by ECC members see section IV.
d. 7 days prior to the membership meeting in which the resolution will be heard the resolution will be published to the membership, in the ECC meeting agenda and either an ECC newsletter, the ECC web page, an ECC Email, or the ECC facebook group.
e. Between the time of submitting the resolution and publication of the
resolution, the ECC Resolutions Committee and or Chair may recommend
amending the resolution or combining the resolution with other resolutions
addressing a similar issue. This will be done in consultation with the entity
submitting the resolution (in addition see section IV).

IV. Resolution Content Requirements:
a. The resolution must address issues related to energy, climate, environmental justice and/or the environment and broadly interpreted shall support or advance the mission of ECC.
b. The title of the resolution should be clearly and concisely stated at the
beginning of the resolution.
c. Resolutions should be worded as if written from the point of view of the
ECC. See sample resolution Appendix XXX (insert link to Appendix)
d. The resolution must contain at least one “WHEREAS” stating the situation to be addressed by the resolution.
e. If the resolution is intended to be submitted to the WSDCC it must contain at least two and not more than 5 whereas statements that directly support the therefore statements as required by WSDCC rules.
f. The resolution must contain at least one “THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED”
stating the action or actions to be taken if the resolution is adopted.
g. If the resolution is intended to be submitted to the WSDCC it must contain at least one “Therefore be it resolved” and not more than three as required by WSDCC rules.
h. The resolution must contain the name of the entity submitting the resolution (and any other co-sponsoring entities) and the date it was submitted at the bottom of the resolution.
i. The resolution must contain the name and contact information for the individual submitting the resolution, ideally the person who can be present at the ECC and subsequent WSDCC resolutions committee meetings to advocate for the resolution.
j. References to WACs, RCWs, Laws, Bills (with date noted), peer-reviewed studies and data may also be noted at the bottom of the resolution or on a separate 1 page summary report. Do not cite the resolution.
k. As per WSDCC rules for resolutions, if the resolution is intended to go before the WSDCC, the resolution must be limited to two pages.

V. Scheduling Procedures –
A. Standard Resolution submittals to the ECC membership see section III.
Subsequent to resolution approval by the ECC, and if so desired by the
sponsoring entity, the resolution will be forwarded to the WSDCC for
consideration according to WSDCC requirements. To be considered by the
WSDCC the resolution must be submitted to the State Party affairs Director
30 days prior to the WSDCC meeting at which it will be considered.
B. Urgent resolutions. For Resolutions passed by the ECC but that did not meet the 30 day requirement for submission to the WSDCC, the ECC can
determine if a resolution is “urgent” with a separate motion containing not
more than a one-page explanation of the need for URGENT action by the
WSDCC. If a resolution is considered “Urgent” by the ECC, the ECC will
work to ensure the resolution is properly acknowledged as submitted per
WSDCC rules for URGENT resolutions at the next WSDCC meeting,
including securing any required signatures.

VI. Review by the ECC Resolutions Chair and/or Committee
a. The Resolutions Committee will review each proposed resolution for the
following elements:
i. Timely submission, as specified in III
ii. Proper content, as specified in IV
b. The Resolutions Committee will further review each proposed resolution for a reasonable, attainable, and limited scope of action in the “Resolved”
i. Resolved actions must be stated clearly, be limited in scope, and
shall not impose unrealistic, unattainable, or libelous actions upon
the ECCs Resolution Committee, Executive Board, and general
c. Resolutions passed by the ECC general membership shall be forwarded by
the ECC Chair (or Vice Chair) to the WSDCC (Party Affairs Director) in
accordance with the State Party rules for resolutions submittal.

VIII. In all other matters not covered expressly by these rules, the ECC Bylaws, and all rules of WSDCC, Robert’s Rules of Order, newly revised, shall prevail.

IX. A resolution shall be considered passed by the ECC if 60% of the voting members present at the general membership meeting where the resolution is considered support the resolution.

X. Follow Up
a. Following adoption of a resolution by the ECC appropriate action shall be taken.
i. The Chair of the Resolutions Committee shall transmit the resolution to those entities, agencies, and officials within and outside the Democratic Party as prescribed in the resolution.
ii. Resolutions forwarded by the ECC to the WSDCC shall first be reformatted in accordance with the current WSDCC Rules for Resolutions Form by the ECC Chair, Resolution Committee Chair, or an ECC member designee.
iii. The Chair of the ECC is responsible for making sure that URGENT
resolutions are submitted electronically to the State Party Affairs Director
immediately following passage.
iv. Resolutions submitted must include: an electronic version of the
resolution text, and an up to one-page explanation of the need for
URGENT action by the WSDCC.
b. The ECC Resolutions Committee shall maintain a spreadsheet record of all the resolutions that have been submitted to ECC. The spreadsheet should include the ECC and WSDCC resolution numbers, description, and the results of ECC membership votes, and WSDCC votes and assigned file name if applicable.

Approved by membership 12-17-20